What are cookies?
Cookies are small files downloaded onto your computer when you access certain webpages. Cookies allow websites to store and retrieve information about users’ browsing habits and devices, among other things, and, depending on the information they collect and the way you use your computer or device, they can be used to identify users
They enhance website quality and security. All cookies have an expiry date, which can either be restricted to the length of the current session or can be set to any future date. Once expired, cookies are no longer operational.
ALMA NOVIA uses cookies to enhance users’ browsing experience, to strengthen security, to customise user services and to make service delivery more effective. ALMA NOVIA does not collect your name or surname or the postal address of the location from which you connect to the website. ALMA NOVIA does collect information about the number of page views, user language, social media on which our news items are published, city assigned to the IP address via which you access the website, number of new users, visit frequency, visit length, browser, operator and type of device used to access the website.
We use this information to enhance our website, identify new needs and assess improvements with a view to delivering the best possible service to visitors by, for example, adapting the website to the most commonly used browsers and devices.
The ALMA NOVIA websites use the following cookie types:
- Session cookies: Temporary cookies deleted at the end of each session and not stored on the user’s device. The information collected via these cookies helps us to analyse website traffic and service delivery.
- Permanent cookies: These are stored on users’ devices and allow us to retrieve information about browsing patterns on previous visits to the website. They have an expiry date beyond the end of the current session. We use these cookies to customise the user experience based on user preferences (e.g., country and language).
ALMA NOVIA websites use the session and permanent cookies listed below for the following purposes:
ALMA NOVIA cookies
Some of these are strictly necessary, as they help us deliver a better browsing experience, allow us to detect user preferences when visiting the website and provide statistical data about website usage.
Cookie name
Expiry date
This cookie is a session identifier used by PHP to distinguish between user sessions.
Third-party cookies:
Third-party cookies are used, for example, to identify users or to deliver external content from sources like Google.
Cookie name
Expiry date
2 years
Cookies used by Google Analytics to monitor access statistics.
ALMA NOVIA uses third-party services, including cookies, to monitor visitor statistics. Detailed information about how ALMA NOVIA uses these third-party services to collect and leverage information about its website is available at www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy
Blocking or deleting cookies
You can configure your web browser to display, allow, block or delete the cookies saved on your device.
Information about how to do this with the following browsers is available on the webpages listed below:
- Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
- Internet Explorer 7 y 8: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookies
- Internet Explorer 9+: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/cookies-faq#1TC=windows-7
- Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647
- Opera: http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy/
- Safari en iOs: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1677?viewlocale=es_ES
- Safari en MacOs: http://support.apple.com/kb/ph11920
Configuring your browser to reject all cookies (or just to reject cookies from ALMA NOVIA websites) will not prevent you browsing our site. However, it will prevent you making the most of the functions described in the ‘Session cookies’ section above, as all those functions require cookies.
In any case, users can delete all ALMA NOVIA cookies stored on their devices at any time simply by following the steps described in their preferred browser’s help files.
By browsing our website you consent to use of the aforementioned cookies, assigned the expiry dates described above, under the terms and conditions stated in this Cookie Policy.
For further information about us, see our legal disclaimer or contact us via e-mail at info@almanovia.com